Sunday, March 13, 2011


I've been back in the USA a week now and I'm still trying to adjust, emotionally, spiritually and physically.  I got sick those last few days in Manipur with a bad case of traveler's diarrhea and vomiting.  On Thursday, I was so dehydrated, they were threatening to take me to the local clinic to get an IV.  I told them, "No Way!  Fly me home!"  But I was too sick to get on a plane.  I needed to get well enough by Saturday to travel home.  People were praying for me.  Thursday night, I awoke from my sleep as I felt the Presence of the Lord enter the hotel room.  A peace came over my body.  I literally felt my body calm down.  The stomach cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting stopped.  I became well enough to travel home, but once I got back to the USA, things flared up again.  So, I've been on medication trying to get well.

I went to church this morning for the first time since returning from India.  It's not the same.  The people are more concerned about trivial stuff like their personal appearance and social status than they are about souls or missions  It's so superficial.  Don't they realize the urgency of it all?!  This is life or death!  It's not a playground.  It's a battleground.  Souls are at stake for eternity!  Come on, everyone, WAKE UP!!

I no longer think like they do.  I don't belong here anymore.  Not in this church.  Not in America.  I belong in India.  But I'm not Indian.  I'm American.  I am struggling to find my place in life.  What is my purpose?  Where do I fit in now?  I can't just keep wandering aimlessly in life.  My life must count for something in the Kingdom of God.

Geesh!  I'm even having a hard time adjusting to the order and quietness.  (That's hard to believe because I LOVE quietness!)  I actually miss the chaos and noise of India.  Maybe I should buy me one of those crazy horns for my car?!  lol  :-)

1 comment:

  1. Praying that you will recover quickly and that God will continue to use you with the people of India.
