Friday, January 27, 2012

Letting Go

Letting go and moving on is not always easy.  Changing camp sites may be an adventurous way to live, but it takes courage.

My apartment lease is up next month and I am moving in with a friend.  This arrangement allows me flexibility when the time comes to depart for India.  Plus it will give me a place to come home to at the conclusion of my assignment in India.  I had to make a difficult decision of what to do with my belongings.  Do I put everything in storage until I return from India?  Or do I sell everything except my basic items?  After doing some price-checking, I calculated the cost of storing my furniture was more than the furniture was worth, so I decided to sell everything.

It was not an easy decision to make.  I don't have a lot of material possessions, but when I moved into my apartment two years ago, I purchased nice but inexpensive living room furniture.  I decorated the room with red accented pillows, rug, lamps and pictures.  I gathered books and resources on prayer.  My Bible, journal and pen were nearby.  I hung up a world map so I could visually pray for missionaries and other countries.  My goal - which I achieved by the way - was to create an atmosphere in my living room that was conducive to prayer.

As I sit in this beautiful living room writing this blog, precious memories of time alone with God flood my mind.  It was in this beautiful relaxing atmosphere I learned to pray, REALLY pray.  In this room, numerous spiritual battles were fought and won, first in my own mind, then in the lives of others.  In this room, souls were birthed into God's kingdom and healings were wrought.  In this room, I felt His arms of love around me giving me strength during times of loneliness.  In this room, I learned to recognize His Voice and to follow Him.  It was in this beautiful room I received God's call to India.

I realize I can take the Presence of God with me no matter where I live.  Just like in the Old Testament, whenever the children of Israel moved, they took the Tabernacle, which housed the Presence of God, with them.  When the cloud or pillar of fire moved in the camp, they simply packed up the Tabernacle, followed God's leading to the next camp, and there they once again erected the Tabernacle of God's Presence.

For a little while there, I was having a hard time letting go of the "stuff" I had used to create an atmosphere of God's Presence.  I am blessed with material goods but it will become a curse if I try to hang on to it.  I do not need "things" to evoke His Presence.  All I need is His Word and His Spirit, two things I readily possess at all times because both reside within me.  What does material things matter in the kingdom of God?  What is the purpose of possessions when the majority of the world does not have food?  In some parts of the world, ONE spoon is considered a luxury.

Now that the time has come to move, I am ready to let it all go. As I prepare to leave this camp, so to speak, and settle into the next camp and the wonderful plans God has for my life, there is less "stuff" to transport.   Ahhh...the adventurous life of living for God!

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to let you know that we received your lovely card. Sorry to admit that was probably a couple of weeks ago. I should have commented immediately, but I'm so bad about that kind of thing.
    Love Ya,
