Sunday, March 11, 2012

Pray for Orphans

This morning, I did a presentation in childrens' church entitled, "Pray for Orphans."  I talked to the them about orphans in India explaining that many of the children do not have homes, food, water, clothing, or toys.  I briefly mentioned AIDS and how people were dying from the disease, causing some of the children to become orphans.  Then, I told them about Happiness Home, a shelter in India for people with AIDS.  I described how the orphan children living there were happy because God was taking care of them by providing them with a place to live, people to love them, food to eat, water to drink and filling them with the Holy Ghost!

After we watched a short slideshow of orphan children in India, I told them how God instructs us in the Bible to pray for orphans.  Defend the weak and the fatherless (orphans); uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Psalm 82:3.  Take up the cause of the fatherless (orphans); plead the cause of the widow. Isaiah 1:17.  We then prayed for the children.  Oh my, it was so touching to see them pray so sincerely on the behalf of other children!

Each child was given a picture and information about a child in Happiness Home, along with scriptures and prayer points. You know how kids are always leaving their Sunday School papers behind for the teachers to clean up?  Not this time!  Every child held on to their picture as if it was a prized possession.  I'm happy to report there are now 27 children in Bessemer, Alabama praying for children in India.  They were really touched by the needs of these children and accepted the call to pray.

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